If you are or used to be a student, you may be familiar with credit cards, which is a valuable way to be in control of your finance status. With a credit card, it will be easier for students to set up their own credit. More precisely, they will find it more convenient to buy and make payment their purchases on time and there are also other functions such as sending alerts when they miss to pay something.
In terms of credit card benefits, it can be listed as financial education, online resources such as applications; assistance in building good habits for students as they will receive reminders for their credit card problems and so on. Even they can receive money back to their account as well as other rewards which may be attractive and useful.
Another thing to take into consideration is that lenders would grant lower limits as well as interest rates to users so that they are able to set up their own credit history.
According to the marketing director of Discover, it is really necessary for students to build their credits while attending colleges when it comes to making a good credit foundation. He also reminded that some cards also come with more wonderful benefits such as rewards for purchases or having dinner and so on.
First of all, it is the Rewards. Thanks to such cards as Discover it Chrome for Students, students can receive a lot of different rewards such as receiving cash back on their purchases and rewards due to getting good grades.
Secondly, security and protection may be some of the most valuable benefits. Card members will not have to authorize purchases on their card by themselves as credit card companies may provide them with a lot of interesting features.
In terms of supportive tools, users can get to know their credit cards through various tools such as Spend Analyzer and Automatic Bill Payment, which are so helpful in terms of budgeting and paying automatically.
The most priority that you may want to know clearly may be security of credit cards and customer service as well.
When you make use of credit cards, you may receive alerts to inform you about whether your social security number may be on any dangerous or black websites. You are also able to get free alerts for such actions as new credit card, loans as well as others that may turn up on your credit report.
In case students can not find their card available, they can move to turn on other security features through their mobile applications or websites in order to avoid any fake purchases. In other words, those purchases will not be accepted to carry out. When they find their cards already, they can remove that function.
For instance, customer service through phones from Discover is offered by all representatives in the United States. They can also get customer service whenever they want via websites and mobile applications. With the credit card category, the mobile application from Discover is also regarded as the most satisfactory one according to a satisfaction studies in the United States.
With a lot of decisions that you may make when you were still a student, you had better be clear about options offered. It is a must for students to make sure they know all about the rewards and advantages so that they can go for the most suitable card. Here are some offerings from Discover:
First and foremost, purchases at gas stations and restaurants are made at the stores such as gas stations as well as full coffee shops, food stores, cafeterias and other places. Other purchases in other categories which are not in this list will not be qualified. Those categories are clubs, discount stores and so on. Also, other purchases such as third – party payment accounts, wireless card readers, online wallets and some similar technologies are not eligible.
To sum up, all of students need to be prepare and guarantee that they have already had a clear knowledge for these above issues in order to make the process smooth.